

       凱東企業有限公司成立於 2009 年 5 月,致力在空氣質素、節能、廚餘處理及環保領域上提供最全面及最優質的產品及服務。








       Oriental Guia is a local enterprise established in Macau, committed to providing the best products and services in the areas of air-purification, energy saving , Food Decomposing and environmental protection.


       We are dedicated to educational programs in the community about how to improve the quality of indoor air, energy saving and environmental protection.  In order to allow everyone to participate in eco-events effectively, we are keen to provide tailor-made eco-plans and advisory services as well as helping government, schools, organizations and enterprise to organize eco-events, conference and meetings.


        Oriental Guia is committed itself the best efforts in contributing to the development of a better eco-environment and quality of life in Macau.